Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The end of my sanitation days.. and the darlin greek

This has been a LOOONG week, it's been one that everyone in my class has looked forward to, as well as dreaded for a long time. Our sanitation portion is over ( which i'm kind of bummed that our teacher is leaving us, he is a DOLL) we are now approved to touch things. No you perve.. not like that (FYI- it's unsanitary outside of home.) Class went well, test went well.. I felt kind of congested though, I think it's just being in the weather with shitty clothes on though to be honest. I come home today to find an EMPTY mailbox.... ahhhhhhhh they are never going to pay me. I was so annoyed I went down to my work at rush hour to talk to my boss, he explained what happened, (which made sense) but i'm still really irritated. It's like I try to be as nice as I can, as understanding as I can.. they just aren't Kaladis :( man.. I hope you fools realize that really is a good job ( and i miss you guys!!!) We never were stiffed a paycheck, it always came at the same time, Frannie would go out of his way to fix anything for us... they just need to give me a store down here I think. ANOTHER thing that urks me about my job is the lack of coffee knowledge these dummies have.. no of course I dont expect them to be an expert ( or a Paul for you kaladians) but come on... half of them don't even know how coffee can be decaffeinated. I don't know, I think I've become a coffee bitch. I talked to my mom for a while today, she always makes me feel better about things, always thinking on the positive side.. telling me things always work out.. thank god for that woman, I don't know how she does it. My mom's taught me a lot of really good things though- always to be nice to people even if you hate them, if someone is fucking you over FIX it, don't give up.. the basics ya know? but she really has it ENGRAVED in me. I'm only rude to people who treats others rude, and it's because it's unnecessary-- I don't look at it as rude, I look at it as my revenge against all the assholes I have to deal with all day. When someone doesnt pay me I sit in their office until I get an answer, and i'm not going to stop looking for a better job. I'm so happy that i'm in school, i'm so happy that i've got something to look forward to and be proud of. I like to work hard, i'm glad that this time working hard is actually going to benefit MYSELF rather than some dumbass corporate-ish company. One day, when I own my own place i'm going to treat people the Kaladi way. Everyone in alaska should know what i'm talking about, and if you don't ... you have issues. Tomorrow I better get a paycheck, or i'm raising hell. No joke.

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